Our training contractors invest a minimum of $289,000 in wages and benefits to train each apprentice over the 4 years of the program.  The cost for an apprentice to attend our program is very inexpensive with an apprentice completing the program with little to no educational debit! 

WAGES - Earn While You Learn! 

Apprentices start at 55% of the Journey-level Wage in the Cheyenne area and in the Casper area. Generally, Journey-level scale is from $32 to $36 per hour worked.

  • Cheyenne area (Including Campbell, Crook, Weston Albany, Laramie, Platte, Niobrara and Goshen counties)
  • Casper area (Including all remaining counties)

Apprentices receive raises based on hours worked and curriculum completed as shown below.

 Period % of Scale Hours Curriculum
1 55%  0-1000 Satisfactory Progress 
2 60% 1001-2000  Satisfactory Progress
3 65% 2001-3000 Satisfactory Progress 
4 70% 3001-4000 Sections 1,2,3 (1st Year Classroom Instruction)
5 75% 4001-6000  Sections 4,5,6 (2nd Year Classroom Instruction)
6 85% 6001-8000 Sections 7,8 (3rd Year Classroom Instruction)
Journey-level   100%  8001  Sections 9,10 (4th Year Classroom Instruction)


Health Insurance-Apprentices and their families participate in a comprehensive medical plan that is paid for by the employer based on hours worked by the employee.

Pension Plans-Apprentices participate in one pension plan during their first 2000 hours of employment and a total of four pensions after completing their probationary period. These pension provide for a very secure retirement for those who seek a career in the electrical industry.

Annuity Plan- Apprentices participate in an annuity plan after completing the required number of hours.

Veterans' Benefits- Apprentices who are veterans and enrolled in a Department of Labor Registered and VA certified program may be eligible for Veterans' Administration training allowances. 

Unemployment Benefits-Apprentices who may become unemployed due to shortage of work or while attending approved classroom-related training may be eligible for unemployment compensation. 

Out-of-Town Housing- The WEJATC provides housing accommodations, free of charge, for apprentices living outside of the Casper area when attending classroom-related training. 

 Casper College Credit - Apprentices earn 54 credits through Casper College tuition free that can be used towards degrees at Casper College and the University of Wyoming! 

Union Membership-Generally, apprentices become union members at the start of the probationary period and then gain the full benefits of union membership.  Union membership is applied for through the respective IBEW Local Union Hall directly. 



Registration fees help cover some of the classroom-related training costs. These fees vary from year to year but are generally quite small (less than $400/year). The WEJATC strives to keep training costs as low as possible for our apprentices.